
Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Etiquette of German and Cirebon

Germany and Cirebonese have their own etiquette. Are they the same? If so, what is the similarity? Or they are very different? Then what is the dissimilarity? "Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor."Emily Post
Meeting etiquette, in German, greetings are formal. A quick, firm handshake is the traditional greeting. Titles are very important and denote respect. Use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. we should say Herr or Frau and the person's title and their surname. In general, wait for host or hostess to introduce us to a group. When entering a room, shake hands with everyone individually, including children. In Cirebon, greetings are formal too. The younger kiss the older right back of hand. The younger call ‘aang’ for the older brother and ‘yayu’ for the older sister. ‘mama’ for daddy and ‘mimi’ for mom. ‘kacung’ for little brother and ‘nok’ for the little sister. Cirebonese is not accustomed to call the surname; they call the first name directly. For example we call the little sister; her name is Rifqoh Aulia with ‘nok rifqoh’ or ‘nok iqoh’. We call the older brother; his name is Luckee Adhock with ‘aang Lukee’ or ‘ang Luk’
Dining Etiquette, if we are invited to a German's house, we should arrive on time as punctuality indicates proper planning. Never arrive early. Never arrive more than 15 minutes later than invited without telephoning to explain you have been detained. Send a handwritten thank you note the following day to thank your hostess for her hospitality. In other hand if we are invited to a Cirebonese house, we should arrive in time in order respect the host or hostess. It’s not good if we come too late, Cirebon people can forgive if delayed for about five until ten minutes although without telephoning beforehand.

Senin, 06 Mei 2013


banyak sekali anime yang menceritakan tentang persahabatan sejati.. tp kenapa ya kok sy ga menemukan di dunia nyata sy.. duh ngeri banget hahaha..

ini salah satu adegan yg membuat sy cukup membuang
air mata.. adegan sang wakil kapten yang mengorbankan dirinya
untuk kapten luffy
sy lagi suka ama one piece.. awalnya sy ga banget.. tp sejalan dengan paksaan temen2 sy, kok malah jd suka ya.. hahaha..

nah persahabatan di one piece tuh kaya yang diagung-agungkan banget.. sampe sy pernah nagis.. eh sering ding nangis gara2 adegan yang sangat menyentuh.. ibarat kata nih.. hati ini menjerit.. KAPAN SAYA PUNYA SAHABAT KEK GITU?!!! hahaha.. tp ya sudahlah.. berhubung sy org yg sangat sangat sangat tertutup ya udh.. danoh iya saya juga sering banget dikecewain ama org yg sy percayai..

ya memang ga ada org yang sempurna di akhir jaman kek gini.. ya udh lah ya.. harus nya saya sabar.. dan sadar.. tp ga tau kenapa.. penghianatan-penghianatan itu belom bs sy anggap hal ketidaksempurnaan manusia.. dan konyol nya sy mungkin jg sering membuat org2 disekitar sy merasa tersakiti tp sy ga nyadar.. so gomen! :)